Single Braid Splice (Bury)

Figure 1

Step #1

From the rope’s bitter end measure back two full fid lengths, and place a mark on the rope. “A”. Put a single wrap of tape at the bitter end (A fid length equals 21 times the diameter of the rope or 7 times the circumference.)

Step # 2

Form the desired eye size and mark the point opposite “A”. This will be mark “B”.

Step #3

From mark “B”, measure down the rope 3 full lid lengths, this will be mark “C”.

Figure 2

Step #4

From point “A” counting toward the bitter end, count out 6 pics. (A pic is the V shaped strand pair you can see as you look down onto the top of the rope.) Mark this pair and continue down the rope marking every 5th pair as shown.

Step #5

Cut and remove these strands back to the bitter end.

Step #6

Re-tape the bitter end and attach it to your splicing tool. Inster this tool at “B” and exit at “C”. Pull through until “A” and “B” line up. Remove the tool and the tape wrap from the exposed tail.

Step #7

Firmly grasp the rope at the point where “A” and “B” meet. Smooth the rope away from this point up the standing part of the line. The tapered tail will withdraw into the rope.

Step #8

We recommend lock stitching and whipping the splice.


Single Braid Splice – Bury



Complete Splicing Guide
