Dinghy Tow Rope

Anchoring and docking lines

The bright yellow highly visible cover from our Dinghy Tow Rope floats to reduce change of prop entanglement.

Material: double braid high-grade marine nylon
Applications: dinghy tow rope or dinghy painter
Dinghy Tow Rope is a durable, brightly colored and spliceable tow line that floats on the surface of the water for improved visibility. This double braided rope of nylon over polypropylene is torque free and non hockling. Dinghy Tow Rope retains its strength when wet or dry.
technical data
Product Name Diameter [mm] Diameter [inch] Weight [lbs/100′] Tensile [lbs]
C238*-12-00600 10 3/8 3.60 2,900
C238*-14-00600 11 7/16 5.30 5,050


Typing errors and technical changes reserved. The data are typical values without warranty or guarantee. For questions we are always at your disposal