Endura Braid

perfect for the competitive sailor

Endura Braid delivers optimal performance, strength and durability for the competitive sailor.

Cover: Polyester Core: Dyneema® SK78
It features a specially engineered 12-strand Dyneema® core, with marine-tech coating and a 24 carrier braided polyester cover. Size for size, Endura Braid outperforms any other HMPE line! Benefits include a very high strength-to-weight ratio, very low stretch, low creep and outstanding durability. Its coated braided core is ideal for tapered sheets and halyards.
technical data
Diameter [mm] Diameter [inch] Weight [lbs/100′] Tensile [lbs]
5 3/16 1.10 3,100
6 1/4 1.80 4,500
8 5/16 3.00 8,100
10 3/8 3.80 10,200
11 7/16 5.40 14,900
12 1/2 6.60 21,500
 14  9/16  8.60 25,200
 16  5/8  11.80 29,000
 18  3/4  15.80 40,000
 22  7/8  20.90 53,900
 24  1  27.10 70,000
25 1.125 34.40 96,000


Typing errors and technical changes reserved. The data are typical values without warranty or guarantee. For questions we are always at your disposal